... online1
... mail2
... structure3
It is rather intuitive to use here a class hierarchy of vector - point - material point, but I decided to present c solution instead of c++.
... vector4
Normal vectors to springs will be needed in Pressure Force calculation subroutine.
... possible5
See [1] to get some ideas about enhancements in an implementation
... law6
If interested - please refer to any cloth / spring mass model to find derivation of that expression
... value7
We are not interested in exactly physics value of pressure, however if you are interested, you can derive it from fundamental physics principles, use Clausius-Clapeyron equation etc.
... dimensions)8
There were questions about $[N]$ in equation (2) - it is just a dimension of the force, here dimension is $[N]$ what means just Newton. Newton is a dimension of the force.
... Stam9
Jos S. develop real time smoke dynamics simulations.
... volume10
Actually in two dimensional case we are not talking about volume, but about figure field, but we I will call it volume, because of it relation to three dimensional soft body model.
... ODE11
Ordinary Differential Equation