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Simulation CD-ROM content
(last update 5.XII.2003)

  • Source Codes
    • HydroDynamica v1.0
      (C++ code + description paper) [go]
    • Soft Body
      Real Time soft body dynamics (Visual C++ code) [go]
    • Soft Body 2D
      Real Time 2d soft body dynamics + 8 pages paper "How To Implement Soft Body Model" with detailed description of implementation. (+ source GLUT, c code) [go]
    • Cloth Dynamics
      (C++ code + description paper) [go]
    • Waves v1.13
      Full C++ source code for Windows and Linux operating system. [go]
    • Fluid v1.4
      Full C source code for Windows and Linux operating system.[go]
    • CFD Codes
      Collection of three solvers (Ansi C) which are described well in one of the CFD papers (SIMPLE/SIMPLER/VORTICITY STREAM Methods) [go]
    • Prandtl Meyer
      MacCormack scheme for Expansion Wave problem solution (Ansi C) with visualization (describen in one of CFD papers) [go]
    • more in progress...
  • Animations
    • (a lot...)
      Generally you will find there similar but much well prepared material to material presented in the service (higher resolution/more colors etc.) More info - later.
  • Software
    • HydroDynamica v1.0
      Incompressible 'tunnel' fluid solver. [go]
    • Fluid v1.4
      Free surface fluid solver. [go]
    • Waves v1.13
      Real Time Wave Equation solution + visualization [go]
    • Shroedinger v1.3
      Shroedinger equation realtime solution [go]
    • Soft Body v2.1
      Real Time soft body dynamics[go]
    • more in progress...
  • Papers
    • CFD
      Collection of my three papers which contains description of five different methods for Navier-Stokes equations solution

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